Two groundbreaking “Saturday Night Live” cast members, Punkie Johnson and Molly Kearney, have announced their exits from the long-running sketch comedy show. Johnson, who made history as the first out Black queer woman on the show, joined in 2020 as a featured player. Kearney, SNL’s first nonbinary cast member, joined in 2022.
Johnson confirmed her departure in an Instagram video, stating that there was no bad blood and expressing love for her fellow cast members. She has appeared in TV shows like “Space Force” and “A Black Lady Sketch Show,” and started her career in comedy at The Comedy Store in LA. Kearney announced their exit with gratitude for their time on SNL in an Instagram post.
Both cast members have made significant contributions to LGBTQ representation on the show. Johnson’s departure comes after four seasons on SNL, while Kearney reflected on their amazing two seasons on the show. Kearney has also appeared in TV shows like Amazon’s “A League of Their Own” and Disney+’s “The Mighty Ducks.”
The departures of these groundbreaking cast members mark a significant moment in the history of “Saturday Night Live.” Their contributions to the show and representation in comedy will surely be missed by fans and fellow cast members alike.
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